Great Northern Archives
History of the Mark Time Radio Show
Nov/19/14 19:26
The Partial Secret Untold History
and Production Notes of
The Mark Time Radio Show
As Produced by Great Northern Audio Theatre
by Brian Price

Last July Jerry Stearns and I wrote and produced the last Mark Time Radio Show (Cyber Bob and Digital Nymph starring David Ossman), performed at CONVergence 2014 in Bloomington, MN. We didn’t think much about it. We just did the show (a month or so of developing the script over Skype, casting the usual suspects, one-and-a-half rehearsals, a half cue-to-cue and then hitting the stage in front of 500-600 people). We didn’t discuss that we’d come down to having produced 19 years of science fiction satire shows together. But I was thinking—well, that’s a body of work. That’s a lot of stuff.
I don’t think either of us has listened back to the entire canon, one after another from beginning to end. I don’t think anybody has. I wondered if all those shows sounded any good? Did they make any sense? Did they march off into some greater cosmic scheme? Most importantly, did they make anybody laugh? They were supposed to make people laugh.
So, I’ve decided to try a little exercise and listen back to each Mark Time Radio Show (listening to one per day for the next 19 days, starting November 18, 2014) like I’ve never heard them before, and then comment on each one, say what I liked, what I would’ve done differently, what I remembered, soulfully thank every actor that ever lent their precious time and talent to the show and quote maybe some favorite lines.
These will all be posted on the Great Northern Audio Facebook page, and collected on this website.

Decoder Ring Theatre Reprises Mark Time
Mar/16/14 11:44
Decoder Ring Theatre’s Summer Showcase Carries On Peter Galaxy

Decoder Ring Theatre is proud to present Mark Time Show Time, a Showcase series celebrating scripts originally written for live performance by Great Northern Audio, in conjunction with the awards ceremony of the Mark Time and Ogle Awards.
This Week: Peter Galaxy, Interstellar Envoy
We are so pleased to be able to hear what some other people do with the story we wrote for a Mark Time Radio Show. Originally it featured David Ossman of the Firesign Theatre, and Michael Sheard, a popular Brit who appeared in Star Wars and Dr. Who.
They have planned six of these Mark Time scripts, so be sure to head over to Decoder Ring Theatre every couple of weeks this Spring for a reprise of silly sci-fi. You can find more about each one on its own page on this site.